Qefood - Community Sharing WordPress Theme

Qefood WordPress Theme is a simple and fresh way to show and share your recipes and get traffic for your website. If you want to give your users the ability to create posts from the front-end area then Qefood is the perfect solution for you. Allow your users to create, edit, view and delete posts, allow them to show and share the recipes with everyone and give the possibility to your users to have posts with a source link via the article pages.

Qefood - Community Sharing WordPress Theme

Qefood Theme Demos

Frontend User Content

If you want to give your users the ability to create posts from the front-end area then Qefood Theme is the perfect solution for you.

It comes with a simple drag and drop interface for easy form building. Also, with the 1 click demo installation, you’ll have the same configuration for the Frontend Publishing form you see in the demo.

  • Create unlimited forms, each with its own settings and restrictions
  • Allow users to view, edit and delete the content they have created
  • Instantly publish posts
  • Email Notifications

Create unlimited forms, each with its own settings and restrictions for every Fields.

Administrator, Editor, Author, Contributor, Subscriber. The post submitted by these roles will be published instantly. You can check and choose the ones that will have this amazing feature, enabled.

Kategoria artykułu
Daniel Laskowski

Jestem pomysłodawcą magazynu, który właśnie przeglądasz. Miałem okazję pisać treści dla wielu portali internetowych, a także gazet. Interesuję się nowymi technologiami, motoryzacją (przede wszystkim samochodami, chociaż coraz mocniej patrzę w kierunku motocykli typu bobber) oraz muzyką. Nie skupiam się jednak na jednym gatunku. Słucham zarówno jazzu, jak i muzyki elektronicznej. Na łamach MenWorld.pl zajmuję się zarówno tworzeniem treści, jak i zarządzaniem całym portalem.

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